
Carbon Reduction Plan

Commitment to Achieving Net Zero Emissions
Samad Solutions is dedicated to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2030.


Baseline Emissions Overview
Baseline emissions refer to the historical record of greenhouse gases produced before implementing strategies to reduce emissions. These serve as the reference point for measuring progress in emissions reduction.


Baseline Year: 2023
Detailed Information on Baseline Emissions Calculations (requirements under PPN 06/21):
Our baseline emissions in 2023 are calculated based on the inclusion of categories 1, 3, and 8, while categories 7 and 9 have no associated emissions. The total emissions for the baseline year are as follows:

    • Scope 1: 0.020
    • Scope 2: 0.287
    • Scope 3 (Categories 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8): 5.064
    • Total Emissions: 5.371


Current Emissions Reporting Year: 2024

    • Scope 1: 1.052
    • Scope 2: 0.0 (market-based method) / 0.615 (location-based method)
    • Scope 3 (Included Sources): 2.013
    • Total Emissions: 3.665 (market-based method) / 4.680 (location-based method)



Emissions Reduction Targets
To achieve Net Zero emissions by 2030, we have set the following targets:

  • By 2025, reduce emissions to 0.481 tCO2e, representing an 85% reduction from the baseline.
  • Interim targets:
    • 2024: 3.665 tCO2e
    • 2025: 1.8325 tCO2e (50% reduction from 2024)
    • 2026: 0.481 tCO2e (85% reduction from baseline)


Completed Carbon Reduction Initiatives
Various environmental management measures and projects have been implemented since 2022, resulting in a reduction of 1.85 tCO2e, constituting a 38% decrease from the baseline. These initiatives include:

  • Transition to a green energy supplier (E.ON) for electricity.
  • Shifting 90% of client meetings online.




Future Plans
Our future plans include:

  • Improving building insulation and replacing gas boilers with renewable heat sources.
  • Transitioning all online services to suppliers powered by renewable energy.
  • Implementing a relocation strategy


Stakeholder Engagement
We actively engage with stakeholders, including employees, clients, and suppliers, in developing and implementing carbon reduction initiatives. Their feedback and input help shape our environmental management strategies.


Monitoring and Evaluation
We will monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of our carbon reduction initiatives through regular reviews of progress against targets. This includes conducting annual assessments and audits to ensure alignment with our carbon reduction goals.


Declaration and Approval
This Carbon Reduction Plan complies with PPN 06/21, associated guidance, reporting standards for Carbon Reduction Plans, and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard. Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions align with SECR requirements, and the necessary subset of Scope 3 emissions adheres to the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard. The Director has reviewed and approved this Carbon Reduction Plan.